An essential part of any job safety program is having written policies in place. Moyson Resources can develop OSHA policies tailored specifically for your company. Once policies are in place, then safety training can be planned for and implemented.
Policy topics include:
Machine GuardingMeans of EgressWalking/working surfacesWelding, Cutting, Brazing
Air Contaminants | Bloodborne Pathogens |
Compressed Gases | Electrical Safety |
Confined Spaces | Employee Emergency Plans |
Fire Prevention | Ergonomics |
Flammable and Combustible Liquids | Floor and Wall Openings |
Hand and Power Tools | Ladders |
Medical and First-Aid | Occupational Noise Exposure |
Personal Protective Equipment | Powered Industrial Trucks |
Process Safety Management | Respiratory Protection |
Signs and Tags | Storage and Handling of LP Gas |
Toxic and Hazardous Substances | Ventilation |